Staying Current on Trends and Issues

Volunteer Canada is committed to uncovering, understanding and sharing the complexities of modern volunteerism and to creating diverse pathways so that everyone can meaningfully participate and contribute to issues and causes that matter.
man with black hair and glasses speaking about his research work
Our research offers insights into the trends and issues impacting contemporary volunteerism, helping to uncover insights and data to support advocacy efforts and promote engagement. Volunteer Canada can provide detailed information and hands-on support, complete with the core tools and resources to help you engage, retain and celebrate the diversity of community and individuals who volunteer.
woman wearing business attire deep in though

Research Areas

The depth and breadth of our research includes data from across Canada, ranging from the most remote communities to the largest cities, from the smallest organizations to global companies, from the public, to the private, to the non-profit sectors. It provides historical information for context and a look ahead at trends to help you prepare for the future of volunteering.

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